Saturday, March 7, 2009

drunken americans

Psychology Study Abroad, Germany, 2009. I'm excited. We will be in Bonn, Germany for 6 weeks with one of my favorite professors. I will be taking Psychology of Adjustment and Psychology of Sport for grades no less than an A...thank you. We've been having meetings every other week in preparation for our trip. We plan flights, talk about what to pack, talk about where to go, and most importantly, get lectured for a hour on how we should avoid being "that" American student. I've been aware of the global stigma that Americans have, but for our program director to tell stories of why this is's just embarrassing. I've decided that some people should probably just stay in the US. There were a few stories about previous students:

So Germany is a culture that includes drinking...a lot. However, Germans manage to do so in a responsible and classy manner (most of the time...we all have our gems). Anyways, this kid goes into one of the bars the first night he gets to Bonn. He gets a little tipsy, ok maybe a lot tipsy, and finds his way to the local park. He ends up in the park sitting in the middle of a field crying like a little girl...more like sobbing I'm told. (His mom was his psychotherapist...I want to go there, but I won't). Another former student is the sole reason we have a lecture on foreign promiscuity. Girl informed a fellow classmate that her goal was to sleep with as many guys (each from a different country) as she could.

Stay classy College Station.

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