Wednesday, May 6, 2009

one of my top 5

Chiapas, Mexico--one of my favorite places to go. I've been there twice, both on mission trips. Instead of locals that are of Latin decent, they are Mayan Indians. They have hospitality like you wouldn't believe. Our purpose for traveling to Chiapas was to help build churches for different indigenous groups, but we were able to do a few touristy things while we were down there. Chiapas is a state that is at the southern most tip of Mexico. It shares a border with Guatemala. When a Texan thinks of Mexico, they think of dirt, crime and pesos. Chiapas is different. It's mountainous, few people speak Spanish and each tribe wears a different customary ensemble. One problem that I encountered while I was there was the language barrier. I had to translate my thoughts from English to Spanish, and they had to translate theirs from Quetzal to Spanish. Lost in translation is an understatement. I became very good at charades. They would always ask what my name was and when I would tell them, they looked at me like I had just uttered a series of meaningless sounds...until I made a discovery. Everyone on this stinkin planet knows who Britney Spears is, and they are no exception. So I would ask them if they knew who she was, and when they said yes, I told them it was the same. Success!

Picture- The men wear dresses...all. the. time. Even when they're working, they're wearing a dress, and it's a short dress too. These men in the picture are above average height, so you can imagine what they thought when they saw a girl that measures 5'9. I was a freak show.

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